
Søren Hyldstrup Larsen er død

Søren Hyldstrup Larsen, adm. direktør i Nordic Logistics Association, er død. Søren Larsen blev 55 år.

Søren Larsen var siden januar 2012 direktør og samlende kraft for den organisation, der mere end nogen anden i transporterhvervets historie har formået at samle de nordiske organisationer i et bredt interessefællesskab i forhold til EU. Med sit enorme netværk i EU’s institutioner, sin store arbejdskapacitet og viden samt sit diplomatiske væsen nød Søren Larsen bred anerkendelse i både EU-Kommissionen og EU-Parlamentet.

Formand for Nordic Logistics Association og adm. direktør i DTL Erik Østergaard udtaler: - Det er med chok og stor sorg, at vi erfarer om Søren Larsens alt for tidlige bortgang. Søren har haft kolossal betydning for vognmændenes indflydelse i EU, og med sit diskrete væsen og evne til at se løsninger har han mange gange formået at få drejet vindene i vognmændenes retning. Hans alt for tidlige død er et kæmpe tab for os alle i NLA. Søren var samtidig en god ven og kollega for alle medarbejdere i organisationerne. Vores tanker går til Sørens samlever og hans øvrige familie, der må bære et alt for tidligt tab af et elsket og afholdt menneske.

Som cand. polit. fra Københavns Universitet kom Søren H. Larsen til det daværende Trafikministerium under Nyrup regeringen i 90’erne. Her nåede han gennem næsten tre år at være ministersekretær for trafikministrene Jan Trøjborg og Bjørn Westh, inden han for alvor stiftede bekendtskab med Bruxelles og EU som regeringens transportråd. Det blev til tre år på Danmarks permanente EU-repræsentation, før han i 2001 valgte at fortsætte sin karriere som lobbyist i et privat public affairs bureau i Bruxelles.

Søren Larsen kom kort efter i kontakt med organisationen for de danske vognmænd Dansk Transport og Logistik, som han kendte fra sin tid i ministeriet. Siden 2002 var han organisationens EU-chef og spydspids i det daglige arbejde med at få fremmet dansk transporterhvervs synspunkter i EU. Senest opnåede han et så tæt samarbejde med den tyske og den franske vognmandsorganisation, at det i år blev til et kontorfællesskab tæt på EU-Parlamentet.

Søren Larsen var også formand for de danske DJØF-medlemmer i Belgien og bestyrelsesmedlem i den belgiske VL-gruppe. Han blev flittigt brugt som forelæser på EPHEC Business School i Bruxelles.

Søren Larsen efterlader sig sin partner Eric Sohl, med hvem han yndede at rejse rundt i verden.


Søren Hyldstrup Larsen, CEO of the Nordic Logistics Association has passed away. Søren Larsen turned 55.

Since January 2012, Søren Larsen was the CEO and unifying force for the organization that, more than anyone else in the history of the transport industry, has managed to bring together the Nordic transport organizations in a broad community of interests in relation to the EU.

With his huge network inside EU institutions, his great work capacity and knowledge and his diplomatic character and skills, Søren Larsen enjoyed wide recognition in both the European Commission and the European Parliament.

Chairman of the Nordic Logistics Association and CEO of DTL Erik Østergaard comments: - It is with shock and great sadness that we learned about Søren Larsen's premature passing away. Søren has had a tremendous impact on the road haulier’s influence in the EU, and with his discreet nature and ability to find solutions he has many times managed to turn the winds in the direction of our members. His sudden death is a huge loss for all of us in the NLA. Søren was also a good friend and colleague of all employees in the organizations. Our thoughts go to Søren’s partner and his other family, who must bear the premature loss of a loved and cared-for human being.

As Master of Science in Economics from the University of Copenhagen Søren H. Larsen came to the Ministry of Transport under the Nyrup government in the 90s. Here he reached the position of secretary to the Minister for the Ministers for Transport Jan Trøjborg and Bjørn Westh, before he became acquainted with Brussels and the EU as transport attaché of the Danish Government. He continued in the Permanent Representation of Denmark in Brussels for three years before, in 2001, he chose to continue his career as a lobbyist in a private public affairs agency in Brussels.

Søren Larsen came in contact shortly afterwards with the organization of the Danish hauliers Danish Transport and Logistics, which he knew from his time in the Ministry of Transport. Since 2002, he was the organisation's EU chief and spearhead in the day-to-day work of promoting the views of the Danish transport industry in the EU. Most recently, he achieved such close cooperation with the German and French haulage organizations that this year it resulted in an office community close to the European Parliament.

Søren Larsen was also chairman of the Danish DJØF members in Belgium and board member of the Belgian VL group. He was widely used as a lecturer at EPHEC Business School in Brussels.

Søren Larsen leaves behind his partner Eric Sohl with whom he loved to travel around the world.